Questions from the Public about the Nick Hillary Case

(Please read these questions carefully)

1. Why did the previous District Attorney Nicole Duve not seek an indictment against Nick Hillary during the 2 years after Garrett Phillips’ death?

2. Why did the current District Attorney Mary Rain run her political campaign on bringing Garrett’s killer to justice immediately without seeing all of the evidence?

3. Why hasn’t the public learned from District Attorney Mary Rain any piece of evidence that implicates Nick Hillary in this crime?

4. What police department was in charge of investigating the death of Garrett Phillips?

5. Did investigators analyze anyone else’s DNA besides Nick Hillary’s? If so, who’s?
(DNA evidence found at the crime scene does not match Nick Hillary’s DNA)

6. Did investigators analyze anyone else’s fingerprints besides Nick Hillary’s? If so, who’s?
(Fingerprints found at the crime scene do not match Nick Hillary’s)

7. Did anyone notice anyone at the crime scene 100 Market St Potsdam, NY from 4:50pm to 5:30pm on October 24th, 2011?
(There is no eyewitness that places Nick Hillary at crime scene)

8. Is there anyone close to the family who has a questionable alibi or none at all?
(Nick Hillary has 2 alibi witnesses that place him elsewhere during Garrett’s assault).

9. Did investigators try and intimidate Nick Hillary’s alibi witnesses into changing their statements with no success?

10. Did the Potsdam Police Department detain, search, and strip Nick Hillary 2 days after Garrett’s death but never arrested him?

11. Did the Potsdam Police Department photograph Nick Hillary in the nude 2 days after Garrett’s death but never arrested him?

12. After Potsdam Police found out that there is no physical evidence linking Nick Hillary to the crime scene, was he the only suspect Potsdam Police focused on?

13. Why did Potsdam Police Chief Edward Tischler resign 3 months after Garrett’s death?

14. Why did St. Lawrence County Sheriff John Jones state he was at his office on a conference call when video footage captured him at his house (1 block from the crime scene)?

15. Was St. Lawrence County Sheriff John Jones caught on video surveillance at his house (1 block from the crime scene) as Garrett skateboarded by?

16. Was St. Lawrence County Sheriff John Jones actively participating in the investigation in the death of Garrett Phillips? If so, at what capacity?

17. How has Nick Hillary’s civil rights lawsuit against the town of Potsdam effected this case?